Nutrition Calculator and Recipe Builder

You can add up to 5 ingredients to test. To save your choices or add more ingredients, please register or log in.



Add ingredient Use the search bar above to quickly add ingredients to the recipe. You can specify item and weight in grams or ounces in search box, e.g. 'bananas 35 g', 'tomatoes 4 oz'. UPC barcodes are also supported, e.g. '070470496528'. Alternatively you can add an item directly from favorites, recipes, custom foods, food details and search result pages.
Remove ingredient Click on 'delete' link in the item row to remove it from the recipe.
Change amount Click on the amount link to modify the amount used in the recipe.
Recipe name Click on pencil icon in recipe name row, modify name as desired and hit enter or click anywhere on the page to save changes.
Number of servings Click on pencil icon in number of servings row, modify the number of servings as desired and hit enter or click anywhere on the page to save changes.
Final weight If not specified then the total weight of all ingredients will be used as the final weight of a recipe. To account for water evaporation or adsorption you can directly specify final weight by clicking on pencil icon in final weight row.
Save recipe Click on 'Save to your recipes' button to save current recipe to your recipe list.
Share recipe Click on 'Share by URL' link to copy URL suitable for sharing this recipe. Sharing by URL feature only exists for recipes that don't depend on other recipes or custom ingredients.
Nutrition facts Nutrition facts label and detailed nutrient analysis are displayed under each recipe. Hover above or click/tap on a nutrient in order to learn more about it. Hover or click/tap on an amount in order to view how each ingredient contributes to that total nutrient amount for recipe. If an ingredient does not specify nutrient amount then it won't contribute (or effectively contributes 0) to the nutrient total value.