Your Recipe

Walnut Bread with Cottage Cheese and Pepper Spread Recipe

Složka Množství Kalorie
Paprika, červená, sladká 150g 39kcal
Sůl, stolní 10g 0kcal
Paprika sladká mletá 5g 14kcal
Pepř bílý 2g 6kcal
Chléb, bílý pšeničný 300g 714kcal
Citronová kůra 5g 2kcal
Cheese, cottage, lowfat, 2% milkfat 600g 486kcal
Margarín,pomazánka, 35-39% tuku, vana 100g 349kcal

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Recipe Instructions:

Walnut Bread with Cottage Cheese and Pepper Spread Recipe:
0.3 kg Walnuts bread
0.6 kg Cottage cheese (semi-fat)
0.1 kg Spreadable butter
0.15 kg Bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped
0.005 kg Sweet paprika powder
0.002 kg Ground white pepper
0.01 kg Salt
0.01 kg Paprika paste
0.01 kg Onion paste
0.006 kg Lemon fiber
Prepare the Walnut Bread:

Preheat your oven to the temperature recommended for baking bread.
Follow your preferred recipe for walnut bread or use a store-bought one. If you're making it from scratch, mix the walnuts into the bread dough before shaping it.
Bake the walnut bread according to the recipe instructions until it's golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. Let it cool completely before slicing.
Prepare the Pepper Spread:

In a skillet, melt the spreadable butter over medium heat.
Add the finely chopped bell peppers to the skillet and sauté until they're soft and slightly caramelized.
Stir in the sweet paprika powder, ground white pepper, salt, paprika paste, and onion paste. Cook for another 2-3 minutes to combine the flavors.
Remove the skillet from the heat and let the pepper spread cool down to room temperature.
Assemble the Sandwiches:

Slice the cooled walnut bread into thick slices.
Spread a generous amount of cottage cheese onto each slice of bread.
Top the cottage cheese with a spoonful of the prepared pepper spread.
Optionally, sprinkle some lemon fiber on top for added texture and flavor.
Serve and Enjoy:

Arrange the prepared sandwiches on a serving platter.
Serve them as appetizers, snacks, or as part of a meal.
Enjoy your Walnut Bread with Cottage Cheese and Pepper Spread!

nutriční údaje
Velikost porce 117 g | ml
Množství na porci 161
% denní hodnoty *
Celkový obsah tuku 5.9g 8%
Nasycené tuky 1.8g 9%
Sodík 775mg 34%
Sacharidy celkem 18g 6%
Vláknina 3.4g 12%
Cukr 4.6g
Bílkoviny 9.7g 19%
Vitamin D 1.8mcg 9%
Vápník 276mg 21%
Železo 1.8mg 10%
Draslík 162mg 3%
* Denní hodnota (DV) v % udává, jaký podíl tvoří živiny v jedné porci potraviny. Doporučuje se 2000 kalorií denně.
živina Množství DV
Vitamin A 211.48 mcg 23%
Thiamin [B1] 0.175 mg 15%
Riboflavin [B2] 0.247 mg 19%
Niacin [B3] 1.598 mg 10%
Kyselina pantotenová [B5] 0.516 mg 10%
Vitamin B6 0.152 mg 9%
Kobalamin [B12] 0.288 mcg 0%
Floát [B9] 60.73 mcg 0%
Vitamin C 19.892 mg 22%
Vitamin D 1.75 mcg 9%
Vitamin E 1.891 mg 13%
Vitamin K 10.907 mcg 9%
Betain 0.411 mg 0%
Cholin 14.59 mg 3%
živina Množství DV
Sacharidy celkem 17.6 g 6%
Sugars 4.6 g 9%
Vláknina 3.4 g 12%
Carbohydrate 1.3 g 0%
Čisté sacharidy 13g
živina Množství DV
Alanin 0.253 g 0%
Arginin 0.29 g 0%
Kyselina asparagová 0.635 g 0%
Cystein 0.041 g 0%
kyselina glutamová 1.511 g 0%
Glycin 0.134 g 0%
Histidin 0.187 g 0%
Izoleucin 0.34 g 0%
Leucin 0.638 g 0%
Lysin 0.533 g 0%
Metionin 0.156 g 0%
Fenylalanin 0.334 g 0%
Prolin 0.705 g 0%
Serin 0.371 g 0%
Treonin 0.29 g 0%
Tryptofan 0.085 g 0%
Tyrosin 0.344 g 0%
Valin 0.43 g 0%
živina Množství DV
Vápník 276.04 mg 21%
Měď 0.07 mg 8%
Fluorid 0.02 mcg 0%
Železo 1.75 mg 10%
Hořčík 16.26 mg 4%
Mangan 0.23 mg 10%
Fosfor 127.48 mg 10%
Draslík 162.28 mg 3%
Selen 12.03 mcg 22%
Sodík 775.16 mg 34%
Zinek 0.66 mg 6%
živina Množství DV
Voda 80.79 g 0%
Popel 3.142 g 0%