Your Recipe

Raw Sweet Corn Tossed with Buttermilk and Herbs

Složka Množství Kalorie
Podmáslí kultivované nízkotučné 45.3g 18kcal
Olivový olej 28g 248kcal
Tymián čerstvý 7.2g 7kcal
Kukuřice, sladká, žlutá, syrová 408g 351kcal

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Recipe Instructions:

4 ears of sweet corn
2 or 3 teaspoons of finely chopped herbs -- dill, marjoram, thyme, parsley, whatever you like
3 tablespoons buttermilk (or more to taste)
2 tablespoons fruity olive oil
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

Cut the corn off the cobs, without cooking it. (Or, use some extra ears that you cooked and cooled right away.)
Whisk together the buttermilk and oil. Toss the corn with the dressing and then sprinkle on and toss with the herbs. Add a small pinch of salt. Toss again.
Allow it to sit for about an hour, if possible, then taste again. Does it need more salt? Could it use more herbs? Answer and proceed accordingly.
Grind some good black pepper over it and toss once more, right before serving. (I always put a few allspice berries in my pepper grinder. I read it about years ago, in an early book by Edward Behr. It's a great idea, especially for a dish like this, where every flavor will be noticed.)
Enjoy!! ;o)

nutriční údaje
Velikost porce 489 g | ml
Množství na porci 624
% denní hodnoty *
Celkový obsah tuku 34g 44%
Nasycené tuky 5.5g 28%
Sodík 129mg 6%
Sacharidy celkem 80g 29%
Vláknina 9.2g 33%
Cukr 28g
Bílkoviny 15g 30%
Vitamin D 0mcg 0%
Vápník 90mg 7%
Železo 3.6mg 20%
Draslík 1214mg 26%
* Denní hodnota (DV) v % udává, jaký podíl tvoří živiny v jedné porci potraviny. Doporučuje se 2000 kalorií denně.
živina Množství DV
Vitamin A 60.198 mcg 7%
Thiamin [B1] 0.651 mg 54%
Riboflavin [B2] 0.328 mg 25%
Niacin [B3] 7.379 mg 46%
Kyselina pantotenová [B5] 3.079 mg 62%
Vitamin B6 0.42 mg 25%
Kobalamin [B12] 0.1 mcg 0%
Floát [B9] 176.865 mcg 0%
Vitamin C 39.724 mg 44%
Vitamin D 0 mcg 0%
Vitamin E 4.34 mg 29%
Vitamin K 18.125 mcg 15%
Betain 0.028 mg 0%
Cholin 101.942 mg 19%
živina Množství DV
Sacharidy celkem 80.2 g 29%
Sugars 28 g 56%
Vláknina 9.2 g 33%
Carbohydrate 3.9 g 0%
Čisté sacharidy 52.3g
živina Množství DV
Alanin 1.254 g 0%
Arginin 0.578 g 0%
Kyselina asparagová 1.124 g 0%
Cystein 0.115 g 0%
kyselina glutamová 2.946 g 0%
Glycin 0.548 g 0%
Histidin 0.408 g 0%
Izoleucin 0.624 g 0%
Leucin 1.58 g 0%
Lysin 0.694 g 0%
Metionin 0.313 g 0%
Fenylalanin 0.689 g 0%
Prolin 1.339 g 0%
Serin 0.714 g 0%
Treonin 0.601 g 0%
Tryptofan 0.121 g 0%
Tyrosin 0.577 g 0%
Valin 0.875 g 0%
živina Množství DV
Vápník 90.15 mg 7%
Měď 0.25 mg 28%
Fluorid 1.81 mcg 0%
Železo 3.56 mg 20%
Hořčík 167.46 mg 40%
Mangan 0.79 mg 34%
Fosfor 411.07 mg 33%
Draslík 1214.13 mg 26%
Selen 3.35 mcg 6%
Sodík 129.45 mg 6%
Zinek 2.2 mg 20%
živina Množství DV
Voda 355.596 g 0%
Popel 3.163 g 0%