Your Recipe

Smoky hake, beans & greens

Složka Množství Kalorie
Citronová šťáva 2.95g 1kcal
Cibule 38g 15kcal
Špenát 260g 60kcal
Fazole bílé 400g 1332kcal
Olivový olej 14g 124kcal
Paprika sladká mletá 1.15g 3kcal
Hejk, štikozubec, syrový 280g 199kcal
Papriky, pálivé chilli, červené, syrové 5g 2kcal

Recipe Instructions:

mild olive oil
½ x 200g pack raw cooking chorizo (we used Unearthed Alfresco Smoked)
1 onion, finely chopped
260g bag spinach
2 x 140g skinless hake fillets
½ tsp sweet smoked paprika
1 red chilli, deseeded and shredded
400g can cannellini beans, drained
juice ½ lemon
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Boil a full kettle of water and heat the grill to high. Heat 1 tsp oil in a large frying pan. Squeeze the meat from the chorizo directly into the pan. Add the onion and fry for 5 mins, crushing the meat with a spatula until broken up, golden and surrounded by its juices. The onion will also be soft and golden.

Meanwhile, put the spinach in a colander, slowly pour over the boiled water to wilt it, then run under the cold tap. Squeeze out the excess water using your hands, then set aside. Line a baking tray with foil, rub with a little oil and place the fish on top. Season, sprinkle over the smoked paprika and drizzle with a little more oil.

nutriční údaje
Velikost porce 501 g | ml
Množství na porci 868
% denní hodnoty *
Celkový obsah tuku 9.7g 12%
Nasycené tuky 1.5g 8%
Sodík 244mg 11%
Sacharidy celkem 130g 47%
Vláknina 34g 121%
Cukr 7.9g
Bílkoviny 75g 149%
Vitamin D 0mcg 0%
Vápník 650mg 50%
Železo 26mg 142%
Draslík 4814mg 102%
* Denní hodnota (DV) v % udává, jaký podíl tvoří živiny v jedné porci potraviny. Doporučuje se 2000 kalorií denně.
živina Množství DV
Vitamin A 625.062 mcg 69%
Thiamin [B1] 1.058 mg 88%
Riboflavin [B2] 0.664 mg 51%
Niacin [B3] 5.092 mg 32%
Kyselina pantotenová [B5] 1.593 mg 32%
Vitamin B6 0.938 mg 55%
Kobalamin [B12] 0 mcg 0%
Floát [B9] 1032.962 mcg 0%
Vitamin C 42.105 mg 47%
Vitamin D 0 mcg 0%
Vitamin E 4.258 mg 28%
Vitamin K 644.202 mcg 537%
Betain 133.447 mg 0%
Cholin 159.314 mg 29%
živina Množství DV
Sacharidy celkem 129.8 g 47%
Sugars 7.9 g 16%
Vláknina 33.8 g 121%
Carbohydrate 127.5 g 0%
Čisté sacharidy 121.9g
živina Množství DV
Alanin 2.152 g 0%
Arginin 3.13 g 0%
Kyselina asparagová 6.003 g 0%
Cystein 0.557 g 0%
kyselina glutamová 7.637 g 0%
Glycin 2.009 g 0%
Histidin 1.388 g 0%
Izoleucin 2.261 g 0%
Leucin 4.033 g 0%
Lysin 3.446 g 0%
Metionin 0.773 g 0%
Fenylalanin 2.704 g 0%
Prolin 2.143 g 0%
Serin 2.687 g 0%
Treonin 2.133 g 0%
Tryptofan 0.608 g 0%
Tyrosin 1.462 g 0%
Valin 2.664 g 0%
živina Množství DV
Vápník 649.9 mg 50%
Měď 2.56 mg 285%
Fluorid 0.21 mcg 0%
Železo 25.53 mg 142%
Hořčík 514.29 mg 122%
Mangan 4.8 mg 209%
Fosfor 945.81 mg 76%
Draslík 4813.89 mg 102%
Selen 50.15 mcg 91%
Sodík 244.03 mg 11%
Zinek 10.89 mg 99%
živina Množství DV
Voda 275.597 g 0%
Popel 10.772 g 0%