Your Recipe

chocolate pots

Složka Množství Kalorie
Mléko plnotučné 3,25 % tuku 150g 92kcal

Recipe Instructions:

150ml double cream
150ml whole milk
300g dark chocolate

Heat milk and cream
Put 150ml double cream and 150ml whole milk in a pan, place over a medium-low heat and bring almost to the boil. Meanwhile, finely chop 300g dark chocolate and put in a large bowl. When the milk and cream are steaming but not quite boiling, pour over the chopped chocolate.
Leave to melt
Leave the mixture for 5 mins to melt, then stir gently until smooth and fully combined.

Pour into ramekins
Pour the mixture into 4-6 small ramekins (about 125ml) and chill for 2 hrs.

Once set, serve with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of grated chocolate, if you like.

nutriční údaje
Velikost porce 150 g | ml
Množství na porci 92
% denní hodnoty *
Celkový obsah tuku 4.9g 6%
Nasycené tuky 2.8g 14%
Sodík 65mg 3%
Sacharidy celkem 7.2g 3%
Vláknina 0g 0%
Cukr 7.6g
Bílkoviny 4.7g 9%
Vitamin D 2mcg 10%
Vápník 170mg 13%
Železo 0mg 0%
Draslík 198mg 4%
* Denní hodnota (DV) v % udává, jaký podíl tvoří živiny v jedné porci potraviny. Doporučuje se 2000 kalorií denně.
živina Množství DV
Vitamin A 69 mcg 8%
Thiamin [B1] 0.069 mg 6%
Riboflavin [B2] 0.254 mg 20%
Niacin [B3] 0.134 mg 1%
Kyselina pantotenová [B5] 0.56 mg 11%
Vitamin B6 0.054 mg 3%
Kobalamin [B12] 0.675 mcg 0%
Floát [B9] 7.5 mcg 0%
Vitamin C 0 mg 0%
Vitamin D 1.95 mcg 10%
Vitamin E 0.105 mg 1%
Vitamin K 1.95 mcg 2%
Betain 0.9 mg 0%
Cholin 21.45 mg 4%
živina Množství DV
Sacharidy celkem 7.2 g 3%
Sugars 7.6 g 15%
Vláknina 0 g 0%
Carbohydrate 7.2 g 0%
Čisté sacharidy -0.4g
živina Množství DV
Alanin 0.161 g 0%
Arginin 0.135 g 0%
Kyselina asparagová 0.405 g 0%
Cystein 0.029 g 0%
kyselina glutamová 1.062 g 0%
Glycin 0.093 g 0%
Histidin 0.143 g 0%
Izoleucin 0.245 g 0%
Leucin 0.449 g 0%
Lysin 0.396 g 0%
Metionin 0.125 g 0%
Fenylalanin 0.245 g 0%
Prolin 0.467 g 0%
Serin 0.285 g 0%
Treonin 0.201 g 0%
Tryptofan 0.06 g 0%
Tyrosin 0.239 g 0%
Valin 0.309 g 0%
živina Množství DV
Vápník 169.5 mg 13%
Měď 0.05 mg 5%
Fluorid 0 mcg 0%
Železo 0.05 mg 0%
Hořčík 15 mg 4%
Mangan 0.01 mg 0%
Fosfor 126 mg 10%
Draslík 198 mg 4%
Selen 5.55 mcg 10%
Sodík 64.5 mg 3%
Zinek 0.56 mg 5%
živina Množství DV
Voda 132.195 g 0%
Popel 1.005 g 0%